Cooking Tips and Recipes

July 12, 2010

Kids Cooking

You often see that kids are interested to help their moms in the kitchen. It also can be a great fun to make something new and delicious by kids. Do you know what the benefits of kids cooking beyond the kitchen are?

One of great benefits of kid’s involvement in the kitchen is that they learn several nutrition facts that also help them to rectify their eating and selecting best food for them. Cooking make them plan meals for themselves and their family. You should be with your kids while they are cooking to provide guidance in health choices.

Kids also learn reading of recipes and following them in cooking. They understand the sequence of recipe and adequate amount of ingredients used in making dishes. Let them read recipes when you are cooking with them.

Kids overall reading skills improve by staying in kitchen with you. Practice, practice and practice is secret to good reading. So keep involve your kids reading recipes, food packages and anything around the kitchen.

Fine motor skills can also be improved by involving kids in kitchen activities like spreading, stirring, scrubbing, pouring and mashing etc. How look it lovely when they do all this with their tiny hands?

Definitely math is involved in kitchen and cooking, young kids when you add ingredients in bowl with cups, they count them. Older kids can learn fractions of math like two third cup of flour is required to make pizza dough.

Kitchen can also be a science lab during baking cake or cookies but only if you are inclined. When kids see ingredients converting into food through heat, they learn about melting, boiling and evaporation points frequently.

Whenever you prepare food or dishes of foreign culture, kid learn more and more about culture of different regions. They can preparer a themed meal for you.

In short kids involvement in kitchen is necessary for they not only learn cooking skills but also learn many other skills that help them groom in their life.

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